I'm still loving exploring the new lands. Very impressive.

I noticed some "display" issues with both the Mist Trader and the Crafting Menu.

(1) When I first open the Mist Trader the menu that comes up comes up behind the menu for the tent used to open the trader. (2) The top of the window that open seems to cut off the part that says who I am trading with, it says, "Tradi" and ends. (3) When you go to "select tribe" I have to click the tribe to the right of the tribe I want to select, click Pioneers to select Bamati. (4) I have not used the Mist Trader much, so not sure what is available but I seem to only be getting Mason BPs.

(5) The crafting menu is not showing how many materials you need until you load the materials. So you don't know how much grass you need to make a gift basket until you load the grass into the project.

Thanks for all your hard work for a great game.