About the resources, they were always meant to be regional, and they were to some extent but they were not set up properly so I think they seemed a lot more random where you could get everything everywhere if you wanted to (even if it was just a small chance).

Yes, hopefully regional resources encourages some trade or at least travel.

The danger level of each region is no longer simply based on distance from the lake. There are now 'easy' danger hubs around the map, surrounded by medium, high, then extreme danger zones. So there are easy to extreme regions within each resource based area.

Basically even starting players can easily settle in 'easy' danger hubs. I will probably add a layer to the map to make this clear for players.

I will be revising creatures again this summer. I've kept making them easier and easier, except for the mutants, but yes, many players still find them difficult. I think the main reason is that players aren't expecting the system where creatures in Xsyon gain power over time and through combat. So players see a cat which can be very easy or quite hard depending on how long that cat has existed in game.
