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  1. #1

    Halloween Event Cancelled

    I am cancelling this year's Halloween Event for the following reason:

    Ok, there will not be a Halloween Event tomorrow. A couple of days ago, when I was on getting the revs equipped with Halloween Helmets and special weapons. I let everyone know i was setting them up for the Halloween Event. I just now got on to check them out and out of the 22 revs I equipped, there is only one that still has a Halloween Helmet and Special Weapon. Apparently people have been killin them and taking the equipment. I'm not gonna go to the trouble of equipping them all over again.
    Some greedy people just blew the Halloween Event for everyone else. Sad.

  2. #2
    That sucks, I was really looking forward to it. Usually it's one that affect the many, though I doubt it was happening on War Server. Sad to hear

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