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  1. #1

    Halloween Basket Hunt Event Clues

    Hello everyone!

    As stated in game here are some clues for today's basket hunt. There are 20 hidden baskets in total.

    These clues relate to the regions and specific locations where you will find bins with a few Halloween treats.

    Halloween candy can be exchanged for a blueprint of your choice. To exchange your treat, please open a Help Ticket with your character name, Tribe and a location with a basket where we can place your blueprint.

    Edit: Sunday October 30th. There are still some baskets out there! I've added to the clues so they are easier to find. Happy Hunting!

    1) Where the wind blows strongest at a crossing near a double waterfall. FOUND
    Search around the dead end bridge in Zephyr.

    2) A wanderer once camped in a deep ravine in the South. FOUND

    3) A tiny isle in the South hides the treats. FOUND

    4) Where the Autumn lake drops its bounty. FOUND but cash left

    5) Where the land of dazzling green meets the Lake. FOUND

    6) A circle of stones amidst frozen water. FOUND

    7) The sandy shore of the brownish red earth. FOUND

    8) Lost in the scrap where the crowns belong. FOUND but cash left

    9) On a ridge where survivors begin their journey. FOUND

    10) Two rivers meet under the tall bridges in the land of slopes. FOUND

    11) Marlette’s sinkhole hides the goods. FOUND

    12) At a crossroads full of baskets and dogs at Glen’s little river. FOUND
    Search the crossroads in Glenbrook. The basket is in the middle of the road.

    13) Middle of a rectangle along the western shore. FOUND
    Use the map to find the horizontal rectangle near the west side of the lake.

    14) On the trail to the nation’s bird. FOUND
    Follow the road from Marlette to Eagle

    15) Mounds of trash in the breezy land of the east. FOUND
    Search the scrap piles in Zephyr. Use the map to find the locations.

    16) Search the scrap for the tilted figure 8.
    Look at the map for a skewed angular figure 8 south of the Lake. The basket lies in the middle.

    17) A big tree sits in small southern delta. FOUND

    18) Three rivers meet in the north on their way to the Lake.

    19) A small hill views the rock pile in the lake of leaves. FOUND

    20) At the hairpin turn in the north east. FOUND
    Incline region. Search the map for the tightest turn on the roads.

    If these clues are too cryptic I will post further info.

    Enjoy the hunt!
    Last edited by XsyonMaster; 11-01-2022 at 04:19 PM.

  2. #2
    Is this peace server only?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by legend552 View Post
    Is this peace server only?
    Yes. It was a bit last minute as some players hunted down the Halloween revenants that were set up before the event officially started.

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