Bainolthar at Thurinbar, Elunell at Sunset Cove, Ovorfinnel at Castle Elenath, and Edlothia at Silverleaf are paying for edible animal parts and meat as follows:
Edible Animal Parts per Rarity in Dollars:
White 2
Green 4
Blue 6
Purple 8
Meat per Rarity in Dollars:
White 5
Green 10
Blue 15
Purple 20
Last edited by Bainolthar; 01-08-2024 at 07:57 AM.
Reason: update
The prices above are per edible animal part, and yu can find the ladies at their restaurants: Bainolthar's Tavern and Inn, Edlothia's Diner, Ovorfinnels's Roadhouse, and Elunell's Restaurant.
Bainolthar's Tavern and Inn Zone 737, X 785, Z 752
Edlothia's Diner Zone 795, X 847, Z 425
Ovorfinnel's Roadhouse Zone 779, X 531, Z 576
Elunell's Restaurant Zone 687, X 766, Z 488