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Thread: UI Suggestion

  1. #1
    Xsyon Citizen Kitsume's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    San Francisco Bay Area

    UI Suggestion

    I'm not sure if this as been mentioned in a previous post, looked but could not find one.

    Some actions pop up a small Yes/No, Pick Up/Destroy type of UI Button Messages. Usually these messages appear either at the top of the screen or in the very middle. Most of the time the cursor is no where near these buttons.

    It would be nice if the message were in some sort of small box and appeared where you just clicked the mouse. Also, could we have the ability to use a keypress to answer the dialog message?

  2. #2

    Re:UI Suggestion

    I'll second this. That would help make navigating the UI much less cumbersome.

  3. #3

    Re:UI Suggestion

    Definitely keystrokes!
    Enter and escape would suffice for confirmation dialogs.
    I wonder why they didn't implement this already.
    Couldn't even live without... maybe it's just me that I'm so much attached to the keyboard?

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