
I understand your opinion on my opinion. Also take note on what I just said

And stop the maturity act, I'm and Adult too but I don't go flaunting it over the internet. Grow up and learn to accept others opinions and reviews. Its not called freedom of speech for nothing.


I'm a very patient person, but I'm also an aspiring game developer that's currently in college. And what this game company has done is what many failed games have learned in the past (Warhammer Online for example)And that is, don't allow players into your game until it is around 90%(over exaggerated) complete.

The reason being is that they've allowed players in to see a game that is flawed and filled with bugs WAY before it is out or even complete, leading to bad reviews such as mine (even though mine isnt really based on gameplay.) My review is more so ... well I know a dud when I see one.

Plus I could use the extra 40$ on something that ... I dunno could be used sooner then when this game WILL come out when ever that's gonna be. And the reason for this is because when I pre-oredered the game was advertised for April 15th, then may and now june. Sorry but business is business and I know the value of a dollar.