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  1. #1

    Most Pressing Issues

    These are the most pressing issues I can see at the moment to help with the testing phase.

    I'm assuming that the server is stable now as I haven't seen it crash since I came in a couple of days ago.

    - Timeouts: major hassle to get both recoverable (non-timeout) 'lag spikes' and the full disconnects. These may or may no be linked to the occasional client crashes when it becomes totally unresponsive. Having these regularly and then waiting for the server to register the disconnect are the biggest hinderance to actually testing the game at the moment.

    - Tooltips: Even the most basic information, like which bar stands for which characteristic (stamins, hunger etc) is just guesswork at the moment. There is also no clue that some raw materials should be sorted.

    - UI: The mouse pointer on good resolutions is almost invisible especially in winter against a mainly white background. If possible, it shouldn't scale with the rest of the UI, just stay normal size. Also, 'Yes/No' inputs need to follow the mouse if possible as going to the centre of the screen to click on every delete item or whatever is a pain.

    - Crafting UI: Re-equipping tools for every craft is just painful. They should automatically equip if in the Backpack.

    These are the simple ones that stand out for me. Please discuss/add

  2. #2

    Re:Most Pressing Issues

    In the initial email you got welcoming you to xsyon with the link to the client, they had a link to a page about basic controls. On this page they explain what many of the bars mean, but yes, I agree there needs to eventually be more tooltips and help on stuff.

  3. #3

    Re:Most Pressing Issues

    I agree with all you said. Those are the things greatly impacting my ability to test the game at the moment. I do like the world, though.

  4. #4

    Re:Most Pressing Issues

    @jessebfox - yea, I saw the controls page but it is very unspecific, giving nothing more than a panel name and very short description. Identifying each individual element would be much better. And having that as tooltips in game would be best of all.

    @Silifaira - yea It really fires my imagination seeing what can and will be achieved in this sandbox

  5. #5

    Re:Most Pressing Issues

    Would like to see either, the 'enter' key bound to yes, or a simplified crafting process(less dragging). Having to drag and click that mouse so often really does not add any realism. Seems more like an invitation to use programs for automation later down the line.

  6. #6

    Re:Most Pressing Issues

    Luculus wrote:
    These are the most pressing issues I can see at the moment to help with the testing phase.

    I'm assuming that the server is stable now as I haven't seen it crash since I came in a couple of days ago.
    I don't know if you can say the server is stable now. I think a lot (if not most) of the client crashes are due to problems on the server end. If you've noticed there are usually people asking "Did you just crash?" when you log back in meaning everyone crashed at the same time.

    - UI: The mouse pointer on good resolutions is almost invisible especially in winter against a mainly white background. If possible, it shouldn't scale with the rest of the UI, just stay normal size. Also, 'Yes/No' inputs need to follow the mouse if possible as going to the centre of the screen to click on every delete item or whatever is a pain.
    I agree wholeheartedly. I think if they can fix the mouse's performance so that it moves more predictably and smoother it won't be hard to locate your cursor. In fact the reason you have to locate it so often is because it doesn't move to where you expect. With a properly functioning cursor you barely have to thinking about where it is. Your muscle memory takes over.

    Still I would like to see that confirmation dialog in the center of the screen moved to wherever your cursor is so it's close to whatever action triggered the dialog.

    - Crafting UI: Re-equipping tools for every craft is just painful. They should automatically equip if in the Backpack.
    Barring that simply leaving the tools you selected in their slots would be helpful. Also being able to stack materials in the crafting UI would be nice. So you can add enough material to make 10 items and click craft to make 10 items. I assume there will be crafting timers in the final release so ultimately this won't be a way to instantly craft large quantities of items. Even so they might have to limit how many items can be made with a single click of the button so people can't queue up hundreds of items and walk away from their PC for an hour.

    And for people that will inevitably say "yech" to timers I say I'd rather deal with timers than have the game rely on a clumsy and inconvenient UI as a way to slow down crafters. At least timers would level the field somewhat. Despite being boring.

  7. #7

    Re:Most Pressing Issues

    If anyone else here has not had the chance to play Roma Victor, I think they missed their chance.

    However, with the way I see crafting is going, it looks to act like what RV had for theirs, i.e., you equip the tool you are using to craft/ harvest, then use the item you want to craft with while standing next to the forge/ furnace/ or whatever crafting bench you are using.

    You then had to wait for it to be done without having a onscreen timer, it was simply done when the game said it was. Most of the time, with cooking a fish you'd start it, and either manage to come back when it was done, or after it was done and someone else had taken it.

    If that's the way it is planned to be, it's far from me to tell any dev what to do. We can only really suggest something for the developers to add in. Anything more and we appear "bossy".

  8. #8

    Re:Most Pressing Issues

    I remember checking it out, short of a couple years ago. It was one of the most overly complicated, annoying little games, not mention buggy. The population was a downer, and this little 'feature', heh, where you had to wait blindly for something to be done without having a onscreen indication, was absurd.

    But that's me

  9. #9

    Re:Most Pressing Issues

    There was a timer bar on there for crafting, the only problem was, if you were crafting more than one item at a time it would only show the last thing that you crafted.

  10. #10

    Re:Most Pressing Issues

    Ahh that was it. Just give me a point of reference for whatever I do; that's the point.

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