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  1. #1

    so how is it going?

    Since, I will have to wait a little longer the forums are my play area and this is my day off :P .

    I was currios how the new patches to the server were working out so far. B)

    Appreciate any fun info :cheer:

    OH!, and thankyou for all the videos I have watch every video that has been posted in the last week

  2. #2

    Re:so how is it going?


    Server has been much more stable lately and many fixes were ready for last patch.I hope this help a little.

  3. #3

    Re:so how is it going?

    celestial_fury wrote:

    Server has been much more stable lately and many fixes were ready for last patch.I hope this help a little.
    yes it does, I was just curios reading all the patch notes if patch work as intended or not =).


    further seeing they have as well added more players today if that made more lag then before or if patch had countered it.

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