"The test server has been up for 2 days straight, but without much traffic.
Please join the test server today. I would like to know if the changes made to alleviate lag and reduce the freezes and time outs.
The test server only has a partial implementation of what we are fixing, but it's a step in the right direction and I'd like to know if it feels less laggy than the main server.
if u want more people to test u should just let everyone in who preordered or something.
iam already in but i didnt buy the game to test it i paid to play a completed version that was suppost to be out already.
alot of people feel duped over the fact of how uncomplete the game is.Many of us were told in post that you had very little to implement within a months time and that it would be complete but you didnt want people in game without such featured in.
alot of us took a leap of faith when we bought the game with no vids and now the release date has been pushed back 4 months from its original date.
iam pretty upset i thought things have been tested already and stuff.
ill never buy a game before its out again no matter the benefits if id known the game was ganna take till augest or longer to release id never bought the game.