trade failed once. the item didn't "arrive" on the other side and got lost. i don't know why. another two attempts succeeded. but when someone changes their content the "accept" button should flip back up. right now i have noticed i can accept somehing, the other can change items to trade and then accept. i have no chance to avoid scams based on that. at least that was my impression, maybe it's due to lag.
when fighting, it seems impossible to dodge. i tried and dodged always but it did not change anything. i hope this is not the "final" combat mechanic because it is not working well.
when other players are near by and they move, the movement is not very smooth. the dead reckoning algorithm "blinks" the other players to their supposed position. this is very annoying. it would be far better to not let them blink but double speed or something like that. and threshold to the "catch-up strategy" should be higher so that it does not occur too often.
EDIT: I might add I was on the test server.