My suggestion is to enlarge mouse icon in game, because its very small. At screen resolution 1920x1200 its nearly visible, dunno how on others.
Also when its snowing because of size and color of the mouse icon its nearly miracle to find it :/
My suggestion is to enlarge mouse icon in game, because its very small. At screen resolution 1920x1200 its nearly visible, dunno how on others.
Also when its snowing because of size and color of the mouse icon its nearly miracle to find it :/
I have to move my mouse down to the bottom to locate it during snow fall.
Even a change of color would be nice.. but a bit larger wouldn't hurt either.
I concur. Along with the massive lagg on the mouse and the amount is has been snowing my first couple of nights have been pretty tiresome.
Is there a way to change the mouse sensitivity? Cant see it under options or key bindings.
I totally agree and change its color lol you can't even see it when its snowing.
i also agree mouse biger icon
I totally agree and change its color lol you can't even see it when its snowing.
I totally agree and change its color lol you can't even see it when its snowing.
I'd prefer the hardware mouse, this one is a nightmare.
I've doubled the size of the cursor and we're working on a hardware cursor for the next update.