Q: How much of a factor does the tribe, or at least it's "city" have an effect for it's members?
A: If my suggestion went through like planned, it would have more of an impact on the Tribe then it would on anything else. For instance, some government type with the trait, expansionism would grow slightly more in land control then others. Of course, the traits would give the chance to learn different new skills, such a government with the trait of primarily economy would teach them about conserving resources, so, the player may be able to carry more.

Q: How would the "level" of the tribe increase, size based, existence length based, or some other factor?
A: Technology and members with some items involved. For instance, if you wanted to evolve to Serfdom, you would need to find a book that teaches about it.

Q: I definitely feel like there should be some type of Spiritual based government. Since we are basically starting back at tribalism, and gods are "present" in that world, religion as a factor in government should play some type of role.
A: Correct, and in that case, spiritual based governments would allow for major involvement with the chance of the player to grow in that religion by helping that government.

PS: I think that if it does come out, that the developers should only tell us the basics of it, and allow us to figure out the different governments by searching city ruins for books on government.