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  1. #1

    new update on test server?

    Someone mentioned that there had been alot of updates on the test server but they were yet to be released to the regular server. Any news on that. I would love to play on a stable server and client. I have enjoyed myself thoroughly even with limited game play but was just wondering if the patches were just being polished or if they existed at all.

  2. #2

    Re:new update on test server?

    The changes to the test server were to make sure we were headed in the right direction with our improvements.

    Now we need to finish these changes and it will take a while. Running the test server won't give us additional information and would only further slow progress right now.

    So for the next week or two, we are just going to focus on finishing the improvements, testing them internally and bringing together changes all the programmers are working on so that we can have a solid update as soon as possible.

  3. #3

    Re:new update on test server?

    I think he was just asking if the version that was running on the test server this past week could be moved to the main server in the meantime so that people who are just getting access can at least enjoy some of the added stability the test server offered. Maybe that's not as simple as we think though.

  4. #4

    Re:new update on test server?

    Yes, it's not that simple. The version on the test server was a partial change and because of this it has some additional problems in the case the server goes down. Most players didn't notice these problems as the server went down maybe twice in 4 days.

    For the next week or two it's more productive for us to finish what we're working on.

  5. #5

    Re:new update on test server?

    So do you have a time frame on some more features making it into the game? So far the concept is pretty damn interesting I have to say but its rough to get too excited just yet lol

  6. #6

    Re:new update on test server?

    Let the man work. He just gave you a time frame for what he is working on. Wait two weeks and then ask if he hasn't already posted it.

  7. #7

    Re:new update on test server?

    Xsyon wrote:
    Yes, it's not that simple. The version on the test server was a partial change and because of this it has some additional problems in the case the server goes down. Most players didn't notice these problems as the server went down maybe twice in 4 days.

    For the next week or two it's more productive for us to finish what we're working on.
    Agreed, I realized it was harder and would take time but I was just wondering if within the next few weeks we would see those updates in the normal server, which you answered perfectly.

  8. #8

    Re:new update on test server?

    Just so I am clear...

    There is a test server - how do we/ or can we access it? When I try to connect it say 'Incorrect Game version'. It's been this way for a week now.

    I could understand this if I wasn;t the only one on the main server right now... (either that or everyone is hiding) can't help feeling everyone else is off enjoying themselves on the test server and I've missed how to update my client?

    Pleas advise

  9. #9

    Re:new update on test server?

    I think the test server is actually down right now

  10. #10

    Re:new update on test server?

    There's a nice sticky thread in this forum that has everything you need to know about the test server. And the main server for that matter.

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