Relandi wrote:
Thus, if there are stats, they WILL be figured out.
Well, like I said there are items/weapons in beta already, how much damage does a Patamon Saw Axe do?

Currently it is impossible to calculate anything unless: someone wants to measure their health bar down to the pixel and then keep measuring it with every combination of weapon and every combination of armor and again every weapon crafted from the several types of materials that can be used to make such item and additionally test in every possible environment, with every possible character stat (i'm probably missing some other factors) then we might and I do mean might have a small possibility of figuring it out.

most of the min/maxers solely rely on item stats, character stats, and logs that display damage done, received, and mitigated to make these calculations. How would it be done in this beta and why hasn't anyone done it yet?

prokop15 wrote:
What? There is differences in items whether they are shown as values or not. You think no ones going to figure out that the axe that does twice as much damage is better?
If stats are provided then yes. If they are not then see my previous response.

prokop15 wrote:
Since when did intelligent gameplay become such an offense to you chumps?
Calculating a game formula when variables are handed to people is not rocket science, it is basic algebra. So if junior high math is what you consider intelligent, then I see where you are coming from. I take no offense in it at all, I just believe it's more challenging by not spoon feeding the kids the numbers. Games that are challenging are more fun for me.

Totally. Except you COUDLNT FUCKING DO THAT in such a system, as there's nothing to measure these things by.
Sure there is, it's all in the manner of observation. You attack an animal with an axe. You get a new axe and you realize you kill a similar animal but faster. One can conclude the 2nd weapon does more damage. Over time, the time to kill the same animal increases at a more rapid rate thus requiring more repairs, thus less durable. And while carrying this weapon it take a few seconds longer to make the same trip from point A to B as it did with the first weapon, thus heavier. There are always ways to measure things, especially if they are based on formulas and variables. I get what you are saying, some people just want to be told these things to make the game easier for them.

prokop15 wrote:
Unless of course you are hitting mobs hundreds of time and measuring their health bars, counting ever swing you land, and trying to measure your encumbrance bar. But then you'd just be reverse engineering the system now, wouldn't you.
In a way it is but it was derived from personal experience. From personal experience you know the Patamon Saw Axe is better than the Wooden Pelican Axe but you do not know how those two axes would compare to a Raptor Claw Axe if you never used one before or if it is better than your buddy's Scythe Blade. Where as any noob would know instantly that a sword with 7 DPS is better than a sword with 5 DPS without using either.

prokop15 wrote:
In conclusion...
You guys are being way too dumb right now.
In conclusion...
Insulting or flamebait shows a lack of intelligence, maturity, or both. Doesn't make for a good community so it is really not needed.