prokop15 wrote:
Poverty what? What are you talking about?
I'm not writing the following for you as you are too stupid to understand it: Homeless people are just walkin' around with a cardboard box like "IDK, is this any good?". Africans just haven't figured out they have to eat food yet.

You could try reading my post in context rather than mashing up my words.

If min/max'ers figure out which thread is the best and at current drop rate, I would say 4 of the types will be immediately discarded and tailors will gather only the one.
It will be figured out, in a very short amount of time. So after a few weeks in and we know what things do, it would be cool to just be able to play the game instead of referencing a spreadsheet every time I want to craft.

It's all rock-paper-scissors. Perhaps people will figure out that bone armor provides the best defense against melee. So what will happen, that happens in every MMO is that if the majority players are melee then the majority of players will want bone, leaving the leather and cloth guys with very little customers. Until projectiles come into play and it is discovered leather provides the best projectile defense then leather workers become popular and so on and so on.
Oh, did you just figure out why knowing general stats wont result in every material being worthless?

By displaying stats to tools, weapons, armor etc I believe contradicts the focus of the game as described on the features list. I could be wrong, but that is the impression I got.
Oh, no you didn't.
Epic troll

Now back to adult talk.

I agree that knowing right off the bat would be boring, and yes people will eventually figure out which material is best for what, it will not be anytime soon.

There are too many variables to determine the best uses of each item to figure it out in a short time unless you plan on launching some type of investigative experiment and spending most of your free time testing it.

not only is it possible that materials effect items but location, time, weather, date, skill,tool,item you're crafting, stats,hunger/thirst,faith, we just don't know what and what does not affect it.