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Thread: Energy

  1. #1


    Have noticed since the big update I seem to run out of energy very quickly doing anything. And it takes a long time to recharge to max, even with max / half way food and water? It takes me about 2mins of running to empty, and 5mins to recharge, so am spending about 70% of my time just standing still? Not very fun.

  2. #2



    Use to be 10 minutes to recover. Glad they reduced that by half. Plus Rest has not be implemented yet.

  3. #3


    hmm dont have access to that forum, am sure I use to?

  4. #4


    When the link opens in a new window or tab I guess you are not logged in there, thats why you can't see the thread. Can you see the Xsyon citizens forum category ?

  5. #5


    Is fine now, link works. strange

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