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Thread: Server down?

  1. #1

    Server down?

    I cant log in.

  2. #2

    Re:Server down?

    The server is currently down until I figure out what's going on...

    The status is posted in the new Server Status thread.

    The server will be down for a few more hours today. We're testing some changes right now before we patch out the full current build to both servers.

  3. #3

    Re:Server down?

    Being dumb here but where is the
    Server Status thread
    Edit: :laugh: you posted as I posted... found it now

  4. #4

    Re:Server down?

    Is the test server down too ?

  5. #5

    Re:Server down?

    Jadzia wrote:
    Is the test server down too ?

  6. #6

    Re:Server down?

    I suppose we all see 'a few' differently.

  7. #7

    Re:Server down?

    Yay. Patch server is down. And I thought I was the only one awake at this time. lol

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