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  1. #1

    Pack & skill window not appearing

    I press the P or pack icon and I hear the sounds but nothing shows up. Same with U and skills icon.

  2. #2

    Re:Pack & skill window not appearing

    Do they open directly? This is very strange.

  3. #3

    Re:Pack & skill window not appearing

    actually I bet they open. The window appears off center. The resource window doesn't appear either. What I expect to see in center is actually more to the right. So these none appearing windows are likely off screen.

    EDIT: This also includes crafting and fire building window, as I believe by default they open on the right.

    EDIT2: Changed resolution to 1440x900x60hz and can see those windows now.

  4. #4

    Re:Pack & skill window not appearing

    I see...

    Yes if the interface was saved for one resolution, but then you switch resolutions I can see how some windows will be offscreen.

    I'll add this to my list.

  5. #5

    Re:Pack & skill window not appearing

    cbowsin wrote:
    actually I bet they open. The window appears off center. The resource window doesn't appear either. What I expect to see in center is actually more to the right. So these none appearing windows are likely off screen.

    EDIT: This also includes crafting and fire building window, as I believe by default they open on the right.

    EDIT2: Changed resolution to 1440x900x60hz and can see those windows now.
    Yea, this has to be the problem with mine.

  6. #6

    Re:Pack & skill window not appearing

    You can always delete the files from the Xsyon/Save directory to reset the interface or options.

    I will think of a better way to save these interface positions soon.

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