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Thread: Crashs

  1. #1


    Just crashed twice in 5mins, another guy is crashing every 30mins or so.

  2. #2


    I just crashed too after about 30 min's. Hope them tards aint tryin't add critters agin on a wrong build. Keep a eye on em Xyson :P gona try running it in admin mode. crossing fingers

  3. #3


    terraforming is keen on crashing atm I'd say,
    if you don't trerraform it seems quite stable,
    at least for me

  4. #4


    when i am terraforming i get screen flashes..last about 30mins in game at way to get back your energy craashing

  5. #5


    well I just crashed agin all I was doing was scavaging so yea

  6. #6


    Games been stable for the last 4 hrs... now crashing every 5 minutes

  7. #7


    which server are you guys crashing on, please all of you respond so we know if it's 1 or the other or both. Also, please send your latest log (after your next crash) to

  8. #8


    Well if the test server is up i cant even log into it, When i try it acts like it is loggin in then it just stops. I never leave the password screen. No messages that i have the wrong version of the game or that the server is down.

  9. #9


    One of you please email your log files (from Xyson/Logs - I just need the regular logs, not the server logs) (

    Are you crashing while moving, or does it seem to happen in random situations?

    I'm going to log a character into the game to try to reproduce this and see what's happening.

  10. #10


    happens to me alot just after a terraforming action, but sometimes just random.

    Logs sent

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