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  1. #1

    Try to make game more "smooth" and "fluid"

    I am not sure if this has been said before, but if its possible, please make the game a little more smooth. I am referring mainly to the animations.

    If you ever played WoW or WAR or even LotRO, the characters just feel really smooth, how they walk, how the jump, etc. For some reason, this game feels real grainy and rough (if that's even a description) when your controlling the character. It does not feel as "fluid". Meaning everything does not flow with everything else.

    Anyone know what I am talking about? :blink:

  2. #2

    Re:Try to make game more "smooth" and "fluid"

    Yeah im pretty sure everyone knows what ur talking about , i mean just jumping looks and feels very bad (no offence to the devs ) . It just needs to have some time to polish the movments up, helli think even spending time JUST one this for a bit owuld be worth it IMO (even if it pushes back more updates for other content because this will be the thing new players will see first and could turn them off really quikly)

  3. #3

    Re:Try to make game more

    Wizlock23 wrote:
    this will be the thing new players will see first and could turn them off really quikly)
    Completely agree.

  4. #4

    Re:Try to make game more

    nothing a few algorithms wont fix

  5. #5

    Re:Try to make game more "smooth" and "fluid"

    Not sure if everyone is seeing this but the group we have here are all experiencing the same animation problem where a toon appears to be 'spread-eagled' like a scare-crow without the pole. Looks odd.

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