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  1. #1

    Not seeing bears or other people

    Yesterday some of us were fighting a person. Two out of about six could not see the person we were in combat with. Reloging fixed it.

    Today three of us spotted a bear. Two others in the same area could not see the bear until they relogged.


    I was just killed by a bear that I could not see. Only one out of three of us could see the bear.

  2. #2

    Re:Not seeing bears or other people

    He was using his sneak skill

  3. #3

    Re:Not seeing bears or other people

    Thor wrote:
    He was using his sneak skill
    Not sure that even works yet.

    What about the bears or deer

  4. #4

    Re:Not seeing bears or other people

    I was only kidding ya :laugh:

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