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Thread: Object is busy

  1. #1

    Object is busy

    I've been moving logs around and we had abit of lag fora bout 30secs or so, i assumed it was the problem with right clicking on a log so I kept cliking away trying to bring it up. then the lag ended, now whenever I try to do anything with this particular log it says object is busy. Got another guy to try and I also tried relogging. Still getting same message.

    Will try again tomorrow morning incase some kind of timeout clears it, but if so the timeout is too long.

  2. #2
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Syracuse, NY

    Re:Object is busy

    I think its related, another way you can get that error, at least seems to me, is if someone opens a ground bag then walks away. Looks like you have to make sure and use the x to close bags.

  3. #3

    Re:Object is busy

    If I open a container then I walk away it closes itself and become useable again. But if I open it, then open another one without closing the first one, the container window of the first one disappears and this container become into "Object is being used" status and never open again, I'm unable to pick it up as well.

  4. #4
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Syracuse, NY

    Re:Object is busy

    Ah, my bad, that sounds more likely. I forgot I had tried opening more than one container, and thought it was walking away.

  5. #5

    Re:Object is busy

    Logged on this morning and was able to use the broken log. So the timeout for locking it etc must have kicked in at some point.

  6. #6

    Re:Object is busy

    Good catch, Jadzia. The container issue was an easy fix (it will be in our next patch).

    Regarding other objects such as logs, I'll test this more and think about why lag would cause an object to stay 'busy'. I think I know why.

    Thanks for the info.

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