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Thread: Container bugs

  1. #1

    Container bugs

    Its not possible to drop an item from a container to the ground or to destroy it by dragging it out of it. I stored grass in a container, then wanted to pick up the container but it said it needs to be empty. So I tried to drag the grass to the ground as I usually do when its in my backpack, but it did nothing, no message, it simply stayed in the container. The only way to empty it was to drag the grass from the container to my backpack.

  2. #2

    Re:Container bugs

    I tried to pick up an empty bag and it said this object needs to be empty or something like that.

  3. #3

    Re:Container bugs

    Sometimes the right-clicking on a container doesn't work properly. If I select (left-click) a container, then right-click on it, the menu doesn't show up properly, its there but flashing, impossible to click on it. But this somehow depends on the camera angle. It only happens when a container is selected (not necessary the one I right-click on, any selection may cause the problem. ) The right-click menu works well if no container is selected.

    Another interesting bug is connected to the camera angle too...I had some containers on the ground, and when I was turning around the containers disappeared only a their shadow stayed on the ground. But when I placed one more container on the ground, the former ones stopped disappearing, only the smallest one didn't work well...picking up the container made all of the bags disappear again.

    I don't envy the programmer who has to find this bug lol...wish I could help more

  4. #4
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Syracuse, NY

    Items in baskets storage again

    Looks like the items didn't save last night. Came back this morning to empty baskets.

  5. #5

    Re:Items in baskets storage again

    there was no fix yet for it last night

  6. #6
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Syracuse, NY

    Re:Items in baskets storage again

    I realize that no fix was announced. Just mentioning it in case a behind the scene fix was added. It seemed something had changed, so thought I would mention it.

    Log of Thursday night with fullish containers. Log on Friday afternoon with empty containers.

    Log of Friday night with fullish containers. Log on Saturday afternoon with fullish containers (stuff the same from Friday night).

    Log of Saturday night with fullish containers. Log on Sunday afternoon with empty containers.

  7. #7

    Re:Container bugs

    Hi everyone. Since we are on containers, not sure if anyone had this happened: Your items dissappers in one of the inventory slots and when you try to put something in that spot, it vanishes. I had this happen a lot last month and reported it. Its happening again, so not sure if anyone else having similiar issue where items in your containers on you/backpck or bin storage or pouches on your person.
    I ended up remaking the character last night. Also there was a container I picked up on a ground in a randm area, think someone was skill leveling up or soemthing. Anyways, I picked it up and had it for about an hour. I ended up putting it down to switch out containers and as soon as I dropped it, it vanished. I will submit the bug issue ingame when I log on if/when that happens again. For now working on crafting info for forum.

  8. #8

    Re:Container bugs

    Container saving has been fixed. The 'black hole' can still happen and it's caused by the same problem that causes small lag spikes. We're working on this right today.

    This container you put down and dissapeared is something else though. I haven't seen this happen. Please email me a report. Did you cross several zones before you placed the container?

  9. #9

    Re:Container bugs

    Hi. As for the container vanishing when i dropped it, no i didnt cross zone when it happen. I placed it down on a side of the cliff near a road. Not sure if it got placed inside the mountain/cliff. Will email you bugs thou, now that I am able to log on consistanlty and stay in on average about 10 hours before getting kicked to login screen. Again deleting old patch and reinstall new patch help a lot.
    On a side note, this is not confirmed but am keeping an eye on it, not sure if dropping items from one character and having another character picking it up to use it, will eventually make the "blackhole" at sometime in point. I do have one character that is standalone, that is no items being picked up off the ground from any of my characters or anyone's else character. Just seems for me everytime I drop an item on the ground and my other character picks it up, later in the day i get the "blackhole" issue.
    For now, am not seeing any. I doubt thats the problem, but it always seem to happen when I do that, last month it happen alot, and it happen again after server restarted. Will keep you informed.

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