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  1. #1

    Action + Change Craft menu = Stop action

    Not sure if this is intended, but in recording the different items needed for crafting, I decided to gather grass, and write the data down.

    Preforming a action (Harvest Grass) and changing the Craft menu from item 1 to another item, stops that action. For example, Gather Grass with the crafting menu open with Grass Fabric, then changing the craft menu to Grass Scraps, stops the Gathering.

  2. #2
    Xsyon Citizen joexxxz's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re:Action + Change Craft menu = Stop action

    Yes thats how it is right now. Hmm. Dont know why it is like that hmy:

  3. #3

    Re:Action + Change Craft menu = Stop action

    Players were able to cause problems and create fake duplicated items while switching recipes while gatherin or doing other things before.

    Since I've added a lot of more checks, this should no longer be a problem. I'll remove this precaution soon and we'll see.

  4. #4

    Re:Action + Change Craft menu = Stop action

    Also changing the craft menu to another item closed any opened bags on the ground. That is very annoying!

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