So, I just took over being the Hopi Tribes diplomat. I don't know how many othere tribes have diplomats, or If most of you are going with leader does all. Any way it goes, I was hoping to start a list here so that we all know who to go to when wanting to reach out and get in-touch with other tribes.

I am, Like I said at the top of the post, The Hopi Tribe Diplomat. But, and yes there is a but, I am not the last word on all diplomatic matters. When it comes to diplomacy affairs I am the spokesman for my tribe. I take it the the chieftains(Officers) of our tribe, Then if it passes there, It goes on to the rest of the tribe to decide how to go forward. Once a decision has been made, I take that decision back to the othere diplomat or leader to let them know.

[b]Alik Steel[/b], [i]Hopi Tribe Diplomat[/i]