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  1. #1

    Invalid Move Attempt

    They make me sad.

    No really, is anyone else getting these. It is making moving around almost impossible for me.

    Also, I created a new char due to not having access to the containers anymore (have to make new ones) and I have noticed that when I try to reach the area where my camp is located there is some type of invisible wall that will not allow me to pass.. Were some of the areas blocked off for upcoming updates??

  2. #2

    Re:Invalid Move Attempt

    How often are you getting this? What is your FPS? please download fraps and test it please. What are you doing when you get it, running, sprinting?

  3. #3

    Re:Invalid Move Attempt

    The walls happen when an area does not load. Relogging fixes it.

    Since the patch i have gotten ‘Invalid Move Attempt’ and completely stuck a few times. Again reclogging fixed it.

    There is also a bug where I can get my toon to hover continuously a few feet off the ground. That causes the ‘Invalid Move Attempt’ warning but I can still move

  4. #4

    Re:Invalid Move Attempt

    this is not invisible walls

    how do you get him to hover?

  5. #5

    Re:Invalid Move Attempt

    This just started today, and I get it if I try to move period(walking/running/sprinting/autorun[T]).

    I am in the process of downloading and installing fraps. I will update this post once I have that information.


    My FPS is ranging from 19 to 30.

  6. #6

    Re:Invalid Move Attempt

    could you join IRC please. if you click home and then click the chat button.

  7. #7

    Re:Invalid Move Attempt

    My stuck guy moved just a few feet then snapped back to the same spot over and over while trying to move. Each time I got ‘Invalid Move Attempt’. Also the world had a 2-3 second replay. I ran to my stuck guy on my second account, stuck guy seen my other guy run up to him about 5 – 7 times. Each time I walked other guy in the visual field of stuck guy the effect would happen again.

  8. #8
    Xsyon Citizen joexxxz's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re:Invalid Move Attempt

    The invisible wall?? never happened to me before. But about "invalid move attempt", happens to me often.

  9. #9

    Re:Invalid Move Attempt

    can you do same as I requested to Kerovan please? And how are you getting it joe? what actions?

  10. #10
    Xsyon Citizen joexxxz's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re:Invalid Move Attempt

    Virtus wrote:
    can you do same as I requested to Kerovan please? And how are you getting it joe? what actions?
    My FPSec is low (it was always low), and i just run. and sometimes it will say that message. Never happened before this patch. (JUL-26)

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