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  1. #1

    Bug list/suggestions

    Obviously the number 1 problem right now is the overall emptiness of the game. There are no npcs, no animals, no buildings, nothing but wilderness. At least that's all I saw after about 2 hrs of play.

    [ul]Launcher background too narrow
    Character looks side to side too fast in character creation screen
    Character pupils are too small it makes the eyes look creepy
    No tool tips at character creation
    No apply settings at options screen
    No quick settings buttons high/medium/low
    Patcher and game both require you to type in password
    First character should be selected by default at enter game screen
    ENTER XSYON button should be more prominent
    If you right click an item in the far right of your pack the options pane, (eat, etc) will be off screen
    Personally I would make left click to use skills, etc and right click to move the icons
    It would be nice to have a log out option to return to character screen instead of just exit
    Crafting/collecting wont stack into pouches, ie if you have a half stack of thread in a pouch and you make more the new product will appear in the main backpack
    For stacked items item count in main pack are at lower right, in pouches they are in the center
    Skillups messages scroll by really fast
    When you learn a new recipie you are not told what it is
    Learning new recipies should be sligtly less random so the items are more useful. I had 10 basket recipies, but no clothing recipies on one character, a nice mix of half and half on another.
    Sprinting looks spaztic probably because the feet move faster than the character is moving... wile e coyote style.
    The rest key doesnt do anything
    Moving inventory or looking around crafting menus will cancel any action, such as crafting or harvesting
    It would be nice if scavenging didnt happen in huge garbage piles, but possibly old broken refrigerators, cars, vending machines, etc.[/ul]

  2. #2

    Re:Bug list

    Hey Trump:

    Emptiness of the game:
    That cant be fixed by Developers, content isn't fully in for many reasons, and players don't want to burn out to fast. It will get fuller later I'm sure.

    No NPCs:
    IIRC there will be no NPCs at all untill well after Prelude.

    No animals:
    Animals are spawned randomly by certain players, however (at least for me) I can't spawn animals at the moment because the commands aren't working as required.

    Join up with a pre-lease tribe and play with others.

    Launcher background to small:
    Do you have a screenshot at all?

    No till tips at character creation:
    This is for a reason, however I believe it is or has been addressed (even if not in the client).

    No apply settings at options screen:
    Exit is the apply button, not a bug.

    No quick settings buttons:
    That to me is a feature request.

    Patcher and game both require you to type a password:
    This is a temp measure to ensure that the players downloading the content are actually meant to be downloading and (iirc) will be removed when we go live on the patcher screen.

    First character should be selected by default:
    Enter Xsyon button should be more prominent:
    Personally I would make left click to use skills, and right click to move the icons:
    Feature request.

    It would be nice to have a log out option to return to character screen instead of just exit:
    Likely wont happen as once launch of game starts you wont need to log out.

    Crafting/collecting wont stack into pouches:
    I believe that is intended, however it is a suggestion.

    Skillups messages scroll by really fast:
    I believe all messages take the same time, but never really minded. I don't look for the messages lol.

    When you learn a new recipe you are not told what it is:
    I don't see this as a problem as the player should know what the new craft is. IIRC (at least currently) new items are on the bottom.

    Learning new recipes should be slightly less random so the items are more useful:
    This isn't likely to change, I'm sure there is a reason why you got the craft you got for a reason. If you have basketry its likely that you simply wont get the clothing aspect as there are more containers than clothing.

    Again, players wont have the same craftable items even if they have the same craft, this is intended. The game isn't designed to have everyone being everything, including from the same "class" tree.

    Moving inventory or looking around crafting menus will cancel any action, such as crafting or harvesting:
    This is intended; at least for now. Which may be lifted after game launch. However I believe its likely to stay.

    It would be nice if scavenging didn't happen in huge garbage piles:
    I don't believe this is something that would be considered a bug, and possibly not looked at if used as a feature suggestion. Thou such resources as the car or bus or other items may be added later, I do not believe this is likely. It breaks (in my view) lore of the game. However I don't know if other features will be added.

  3. #3

    Re:Bug list

    There will only be 1 character at release so char selection won't be a problem.

  4. #4

    Re:Bug list

    I consider a bug report to be a suggestion for improving the game. Therefore I dont really differentiate suggestions for improving the game from bug reports, especially when they are to add features most gamers have come to expect as standard such as tool tips.

    Here is a shot of the installer background being too small.

    Here is the stacking count being in different location in backpack vs pouches.

  5. #5

    Re:Bug list

    kiwibird wrote:

    Emptiness of the game:
    That cant be fixed by Developers, content isn't fully in for many reasons, and players don't want to burn out to fast. It will get fuller later I'm sure.

    Join up with a pre-lease tribe and play with others.

    A good new player experience, tutorials, etc are absolutely vital to retention.

    Do you want potential customers to log in, wander around in an empty field for 15 minutes, then log off and uninstall the game or do you want them to be immediately engaged?

    No apply settings at options screen:
    Exit is the apply button, not a bug.

    It doesnt apply changes to video settings. I know this requires a client restart, but many people wouldnt.

    Skillups messages scroll by really fast:
    I believe all messages take the same time, but never really minded. I don't look for the messages lol.

    Would be nice to have a log of these messages and also the current amount the way wow, war and ever other mmo does it.

    If you are going to have the messages, you might as well ahve them be useful

    Learning new recipes should be slightly less random so the items are more useful:
    This isn't likely to change, I'm sure there is a reason why you got the craft you got for a reason. If you have basketry its likely that you simply wont get the clothing aspect as there are more containers than clothing.

    Again, players wont have the same craftable items even if they have the same craft, this is intended. The game isn't designed to have everyone being everything, including from the same "class" tree.

    Being less random can still be very random. You could have basket weavers get a random pouch, then a random armor piece, then a completely random item, then another random armor piece. That way you dont risk someone getting 6 bags and baskets in a row, but any two players will still be able to make totally different things

  6. #6

    Re:Bug list

    I thought it was a nice list except a couple points.

    Please fix rest asap lol.

  7. #7

    Re:Bug list

    rest isn't broken, it just hasn't been implemented yet.

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