I'm extending the invite to anyone who wants to attend, not just RPers. I'd like to get some outside opinions on RP and get some serious discussion on the disconnect between people who either don't understand or why ppl seem to dislike it. I think its mostly an ignorance thing.

So far I've confirmed participation from several different games so we'll have a good, solid discussion on RP as a whole before moving on to specific communities.

We'll also be discussing ways to work with non-RP clans to better the communities we are a part of so we can improve the games we play as a whole.

In short, show up even if you're not an RPer.

[b]Teamspeak 3[/b]

Host: ts32.gameservers.com
Port: 9147

Go to [url]http://teamspeak.com/?page=downloads[/url] and download the client. The client and server are right next to each other so make sure you're getting the right one.