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  1. #1

    2 Friends need help and looking for tribe!

    Hey everyone! me and my friend pre ordered today and cant really figure out what to do so if someone could lead us in the right direction to start that would be awesome! Were also looking for a tribe to join to hang out and advance with while playing. We are active players who are helpful to allies and would like to be recon/fighters and hunters in the tribe. We don't care for what alignment the tribe is just that is a structured organized tribe.

    Past gaming history:
    Warhammer online
    and a bunch of fps's and rts's

    Thx in advance! :woohoo:

  2. #2

    Re:2 Friends need help and looking for tribe!


    I invite you to have a look at our tribe [url][/url]

  3. #3
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    New Vegas Republic, 'Murica

    Re:2 Friends need help and looking for tribe!

    If you're looking for a military based tribe, you can check out the WOLVERINES!


    Just as an FYI, we're practical Roleplayers.

  4. #4
    Xsyon Citizen Xx1327's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re:2 Friends need help and looking for tribe!

    hey well here's some advice that you'll find to be great don't join a tribe right off the bat and don't expect your first choice before the games started to be your best bet. your going to be bombarded by tons of invites to tribes so no worries on finding one to accept you, its all about which one is right for you

    always try and ask tons of questions and talk with the tribe your taking interest in.

    some tips on a good tribe are finding ones that:

    [b]aren't huge, bigger isn't necessarily better with clans/tribes. make sure you try and find a tribe with a size your comfortable with, to where you can get to know everyone easily.

    see if the tribe is well thought out and if they have a goal or plan they tend to follow by. a tribe with a purpose is one to look out for.

    what's the tribes impact on its community, is it negative or positive, look at it from a wide perspective.

    the maturity level has a lot to do with a groups survivability.

    theres a lot to consider when your looking for a community to join in and have possibly years of fun with, so make sure you the right crowd for you.

    personally i would suggest templar, we're a pretty tight nit group as it is and are always looking for another member wearing of flying our banner high.

    if your interested hit up our forums [url][/url] or just message me, feel free to ask any questions regarding us or the game itself.

  5. #5
    Xsyon Citizen Kitsume's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    San Francisco Bay Area

    Re:2 Friends need help and looking for tribe!

    You might want to check out the official Xsyon tribe recruitment forums for a list of tribes along with tribal goals. Over the past few months several tribes have formed and left, but most that are still active will have recent posts in their recruitment forums.


    Shameless plug
    Hopi is still recruiting new members if you are interested in a good co-op type tribe. [url][/url]

  6. #6

    Re:2 Friends need help and looking for tribe!

    Just a warning, do not join BAC (Bad as Can) as they are full of weed smoking teenagers that want to be a nuisance to the community more than anything else. You could probably tell by the guy in their signature of how they are not serious.

    I do not know any specific tribe yet, I am looking as well.

  7. #7

    Re:2 Friends need help and looking for tribe!

    Eh, in my opinion clans that openly try to recruit members they do not know are just attempting to be as big as possible and will probably fail.

    Just wait untill launch or at least untill they enable the tribe function to join a tribe, that's the best advice I can give at the moment.

  8. #8

    Re:2 Friends need help and looking for tribe!

    that's why most tribes will give new members a trial peroid with limited access, this allows the tribe to get to know the new member and the new member to decide if it's the right tribe for them.

  9. #9

    Re:2 Friends need help and looking for tribe!

    [b]Shrimps wrote:[/b]
    [quote]Eh, in my opinion clans that openly try to recruit members they do not know are just attempting to be as big as possible and will probably fail.

    Just wait untill launch or at least untill they enable the tribe function to join a tribe, that's the best advice I can give at the moment.[/quote]

    In my opinion clans that don't do open recruiting are very small clan's that for the most part, Are people that met each other in a clan that did do open recruiting or they are off-line friends that have been playing games together for years.

    In the last nine to ten years of MMOG playing I have ran across this idea that open recruiting is bad. I have been apart of both sides, And have enjoyed the pro's and con's of each. But with this being a very small MMOG at the start with only a hand full of people playing it. IMO Open recruiting is the best way to start, Unless you are in a guild/clan from another MMOG that has moved over here.

    And to the OP, I would say go check out the recruiting page to see the tribes that are in the game. And pick what fit's you and your friend the best. Best of luck to you both, And see ya in-game.

  10. #10

    Re:2 Friends need help and looking for tribe!

    [b]Shrimps wrote:[/b]
    [quote]Eh, in my opinion clans that openly try to recruit members they do not know are just attempting to be as big as possible and will probably fail.

    Just wait untill launch or at least untill they enable the tribe function to join a tribe, that's the best advice I can give at the moment.[/quote]

    Your statement is not completely accurate Shrimps. As Nails pointed out, trial membership is the key. Our tribe has standards we would like our members to uphold. We have a vision for the future. There is nothing wrong with inviting people to hang out with us. If they don’t share our playing style we can part friends, if they do well that’s good for everyone.

    @Alik Steel
    I have never liked the smaller ‘real life friends’ type guilds. New guys usually never really get to be part and end up as cannon fodder for the in crowd. I agree that open recruitment is a great way to build a tribe. Open recruitment adds some diversity to the tribe that keeps it fresh. It is great fun to bring together a bunch of people, make new friends, and see where it leads.

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