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  1. #1

    Balancing manpower & Tribes radius , Recruit War

    Sorry ,

    Why do people insist in recruiting before the actual game has seen the light of the day ?

    Do you guys want 90% of the population in 2 tribes of the same alignment (good) ?

    Seriously , this is major problem in any mmo. People are so greedy when it comes to having more members than others, that they end up destroying the game themselves , without realizing it.

    I heard this game will allow bigger tribe range with more members.

    If this biased mechanic is true, making the current recruitment desperation worthy, it will turn this game into a 'who can recruit the most people' type of game.

    Is this what this game is ALL about ? having everyone in the same tribe and making sure that other tribes cannot get founded.

    I have more and more doubts with this game, the community wants people to respect them, but they ask for hand holding features like maps, coordinates, safe zones, no risk and they are the first to jump on new recruits, like food for a starving man.

    I remember when i came here, the dev asked people to stop private messaging people to recruit them in tribes.

    If you guys want a community, stop being stingy and avaricious and you might get some respect back, and less trolling.

    Just sayin

  2. #2

    Re:Balancing manpower & Tribes radius , Recruit War

    Thanks Rev, I thoroughly agree in some aspects you're writing about.
    I can see very much more fun in a game that has different poles and not only one mainstream. But - on the other side - that shouldn't give the 'good ones' the feeling that they are boring and destroy the game.
    But because you're an intelligent guy I'm happy you write again constructive, though we would perhaps more be ingame on opposite sites of the world :P Welcome back anyway.

    And, I'm not in sorrow about people at the moment only sharing two or three tribes, let the game release and I'm quite sure because of general human nature there will be competition, there will be intrigation, there will be enviousness, short: There will be all that what is in RL, just because mankind isn't able to live without it - regrettable but true.


  3. #3
    Xsyon Citizen joexxxz's Avatar
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    May 2010

    Re:Balancing manpower & Tribes radius , Recruit War

    Good comment Snake

  4. #4

    Re: Balancing manpower & Tribes radius , Recruit War

    The game will allow for the tribe to grow with the more members they have. Nothing that I recall has said it 'shrinks' with tribe numbers, but I would guess it would. IIRC there is a limit to what you can grow to by this method alone. There is more than one way to expand, that is just one, again IIRC.

    Is this game all about size, control and being involved in a game. Absolutely. The bigger you are the bigger threat you pose, the more you can do as a tribe - if you work together, the more involved in the game the more you are able to acquire. This is true for any game, if you put in the work you will get the reward. Now if we are going to talk about something like, "Offline chores" that would be a different kettle of fish.

    Tribes will be limited to sizes, thou what that is, or how its done is not known.

    Players have asked for a way to create maps, the way that is done is (in my view) something that could well be looked into. For example, players have already started mapping the terrain.

    Coords, I thought the majority of players wanted them gone. Safe zones, there will be limited safe zones. The game is always a risk, both in terms of game play and real life.

    I haven't seen nor heard since Dev's made it known that spamming a persons private message with "join my tribe please" messages has continued. And which is still in place.

    This game wont generate money nor materials, henceforth avaricious cannot be used. This game has no materials it can produce, as data is a bunch of zeros with the odd number.

    There is a lot of trolling, however who is doing so is always up for debate.

  5. #5

    Re: Balancing manpower & Tribes radius , Recruit War

    I don't see any desperate recruitment, just that new people are looking for tribes...should we leave them alone and say 'wait for the launch' ?

    Personally I'd love to see a member-number limit for tribes to avoid huge zerg ones. It would be great if a tribe was limited say 30-50 people. This should be a coded feature otherwise tribes will want to grow to be stronger than cannot be avoided only of growing is impossible above a limit.

    The game would be much more fun with a lot of small tribes than with 2-3 big ones, and new players would have a chance to found new tribes as well, otherwise they would just join an existing one.

  6. #6

    Re:Balancing manpower & Tribes radius , Recruit War

    BAC Coming hard wit our core.

  7. #7

    Re:Balancing manpower & Tribes radius , Recruit War

    Too long did not read.
    So should I PM a invite or not?

  8. #8
    Xsyon Citizen joexxxz's Avatar
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    May 2010

    Re: Balancing manpower & Tribes radius , Recruit War

    Well Jadzia, u can inform your tribe to divide itself. thats a start :woohoo:

  9. #9

    Re: Balancing manpower & Tribes radius , Recruit War

    [b]joexxxz wrote:[/b]
    [quote]Well Jadzia, u can inform your tribe to divide itself. thats a start :woohoo:[/quote]
    As I said it would only work if it was coded :P

  10. #10
    Xsyon Citizen Xx1327's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re:Balancing manpower & Tribes radius , Recruit War

    templar isn't good

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