ozziewolf wrote:
I'm going to skip bugs or incomplete content with this and just focus on existing mechanics that could be improved to enhance player experience.

1.) The most pressing is contrast when modifying the terrain. At night time it's nearly impossible to get any sense of depth perception on the sandy terrain because it all looks identical. If the terrain could be modified to give the terrain more contrast it would go along way towards improving things. Day time it's not great but with shadows it helps some. The main problem is everything looks the same so the edges of the sandy terraforming terrain aren't very pronounced.
Easy, answer: don't terraform at night. Alternatively use your z-height to check things. Hopefully the terraforming system will be improved (although some might say it should be removed altogether and based on some of the construction I've seen I'm starting to lean that way myself).

2.) Fires need to give off light. Right now they seem to give off the appearance of light with out giving off actual light. I can see the light reflecting on my character but the surrounding area is not being lit up by the fire. If fire could be modified to brightly illuminate the surrounding are it would be great.
I haven't noticed this to be true. In fact I remember a bug where I'd see areas lit up but couldn't see the fire. So it was definitely casting light. Maybe it could be a little brighter or a whiter color.

3.) Left click vs Right click. Most everything in the game you interact through right click. However your hotbars you do left click. I'd like for the game to remain consistant and do either all left clicks or all right clicks. Switching back and forth feels ackward. (Optimally I think left clicking buttons would be preferable to right clicking which doesn't feel natural.)
Yeah, this bugs the hell out of me too. All these months later I still click the wrong buttons quite a lot.

P.S. Periodically it seems like the world loses all animal spawns. Friday night there were no animals any where. Then Saturday there were some animals. Sunday we were inundated with animals and Sunday night there wasn't an animal to be seen. You might be aware of it but I figured it was worth mentioning.
I found a ton of animals last night. It was fairly late (2AM east coast USA) but I couldn't run 100 feet without running into something.