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Thread: TREES!

  1. #1


    Ive been roaming throughout Crystal cutting down every tree I come across. I cannot tell you how much trees are the very soul of Xsyon. It's already starting to be a strip mined hilltop and I haven't really done too many. I've been thinking about other ways to get wood and logs keeping the landscape but haven't come up with a good suggestion. Since that's how we do it anyways. :dry:

    My first suggestion would be to make trees always grow back. Make the stumps permanent, un-destroyable. Placeholders if you will.

  2. #2
    Xsyon Citizen joexxxz's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010


    So the regrowth of the trees is not random?

    Make the stumps permanent, un-destroyable. Placeholders if you will.
    No dont like that idea. sorry.

  3. #3


    I thought that the re-grow from stumps was just turned off for now, I hope that it is and by keeping the stumps in time you will have a new tree there.

    The down side to what you are talking about is that you will not be able to make a nice flat, clear area for your tribal camp area. If all stumps are un-destroyable. But then working around trees as you make your camp, May be fun too.

  4. #4


    I'm hoping tree regrowth is just turned off ATM. I also hope they keep the stumps destroyable.

    I'd also like them to add a way to plant trees that would grow eventually, but take a considerable amount of time before they can be harvested. Trees could be planted to make your own "oasis" if your tribe so desired....dig a little pond...plant a couple trees around it....BAM!!! Oasis your own little fishing retreat.

  5. #5
    Xsyon Citizen Kitsume's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    San Francisco Bay Area


    We haven't seen a full year cycle yet, every reset seems to but us back in to winter. An in game year should be about 4 1/2 weeks, at the scale of 9 to 1. (was 8:1 but was changed to allow different times of day durning a real life day)

    I would like to find out how long it takes for trees to regrow, but they should not regrow too quickly. I would lie to see the ability/skill to plant seeds to help with replacing harvested trees, but there would need to be limits to prevent a too dense forest and maintain a decent graphics budget.

  6. #6


    Deacon wrote:
    I'm hoping tree regrowth is just turned off ATM. I also hope they keep the stumps destroyable.

    I'd also like them to add a way to plant trees that would grow eventually, but take a considerable amount of time before they can be harvested. Trees could be planted to make your own "oasis" if your tribe so desired....dig a little pond...plant a couple trees around it....BAM!!! Oasis your own little fishing retreat.
    I'm stuck between two thoughts here.

    I understand people use trees sensibly but there is also a lot of waste.

    I'm sure I recall reading something about karma etc. It would be beneficial if there was some in game mechanic to encourage platers and tribe to value their local resources rather than deplete them.

    Perhaps the quanity of fish, useful flora or even animals could be influenced by the amount of tree cover in the vicinity. This would mean the more selfish tribes would create a localised wasteland.

  7. #7


    Cracky69 wrote:
    Deacon wrote:
    I'm hoping tree regrowth is just turned off ATM. I also hope they keep the stumps destroyable.

    I'd also like them to add a way to plant trees that would grow eventually, but take a considerable amount of time before they can be harvested. Trees could be planted to make your own "oasis" if your tribe so desired....dig a little pond...plant a couple trees around it....BAM!!! Oasis your own little fishing retreat.
    I'm stuck between two thoughts here.

    I understand people use trees sensibly but there is also a lot of waste.

    I'm sure I recall reading something about karma etc. It would be beneficial if there was some in game mechanic to encourage platers and tribe to value their local resources rather than deplete them.

    Perhaps the quanity of fish, useful flora or even animals could be influenced by the amount of tree cover in the vicinity. This would mean the more selfish tribes would create a localised wasteland.

    I think one dissadvantage to overharvesting your tribe's trees would be, animals would not want to live on your properties..making you have to travel further, and possibly tresspass other tribes hunt creatures...which if you depleat the creatures resources as well...will make your tribe, highly dependant on others, or even cause friction with others, when you hunt their lands etc.

  8. #8


    Yes, I'm in total agreement with you here. Ths would be a good penalty for resource wasters.

  9. #9


    Cracky69 wrote:
    I'm stuck between two thoughts here.

    I understand people use trees sensibly but there is also a lot of waste.

    I'm sure I recall reading something about karma etc. It would be beneficial if there was some in game mechanic to encourage platers and tribe to value their local resources rather than deplete them.

    Perhaps the quanity of fish, useful flora or even animals could be influenced by the amount of tree cover in the vicinity. This would mean the more selfish tribes would create a localised wasteland.
    Deacon wrote:
    I think one dissadvantage to overharvesting your tribe's trees would be, animals would not want to live on your properties..making you have to travel further, and possibly tresspass other tribes hunt creatures...which if you depleat the creatures resources as well...will make your tribe, highly dependant on others, or even cause friction with others, when you hunt their lands etc.
    I like the way you both are thinking, And hope that it can work that way.
    BUT using the only example I can think of was back some time ago, A gaming society that I belong to, Started playing Wurm. If any of you have played it, You know how large the land is. Now I don't know how large there player community is in comparison to Xsyon, or what Xsyon will become. But I do know that any one that took the time could go out and find seedlings and plant new trees. The trees grew up with-in just a few weeks. Not only that, But trees could pop up on there own and grow without any help. Or at lest it seemed that way to me. As I had two do just that in my farm. But even with all that, They had a guy that did nothing but run around the gaming server worlds and planted trees because players would clear cut areas.

    I don't think many people will go out with clear cutting the woods. I think it will be hard for people to run through the woods to just cut down a few trees, Then have to walk all them logs, Big and small, All the way back through the woods to the camp. No I think it will start with "All I need is 4 trees" and with many people thinking the same way. They wake up to a barren area without ever knowing they was doing it.

    So I hope they let trees grow back a little fast than what a real tree would grow, And also let us plant trees ourself. This could be something that could be tied into the Landscaping idea we had.

  10. #10


    yeah, a few people can devastate an area over time. Our Tribe leader as well as members consider trees a vital resource. Our leader will control how many and what type we harvest, and the use for those harvested. Same with critters in our tribal area.

    I'm sure we'll be on the lookout for tree pouchers LOL

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