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  1. #1

    Trade with tribes beyond the impenetrable mist.

    This is from the Features List, Under the "Evolution" area of the features.
    Trade with tribes beyond the impenetrable mist.
    I have questions,
    Does this mean that we may be able to trade with unknown NPC tribes that are not in-game?

    Are is this more like a way for to spend, or make money without dealing people inside the game?

    Will there be new area's opened up for players to start with, And some how hire an NPC to make the runs that we can not because of the mist?

    Very lost as to how or even what that line means. :huh:

  2. #2
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Valdosta, Georgia

    Re:Trade with tribes beyond the impenetrable mist.

    I hope there will NEVER be be money in this game. If money ever does come into play the "Gold Farmers" will not be far behind.

  3. #3

    Re:Trade with tribes beyond the impenetrable mist.

    Does this mean that we may be able to trade with unknown NPC tribes that are not in-game?

    Are is this more like a way for to spend, or make money without dealing people inside the game?

    Will there be new area's opened up for players to start with, And some how hire an NPC to make the runs that we can not because of the mist?
    My understanding is that over time there will be other areas introduced into the game from other parts of the world in the form of expansions, and with that will come the ability for existing tribes to trade with tribes located in these new areas.

    How that will work I don't know, but I would imagine that by that time, we will have developed the necessary technology to have some sort of currier system in place.

    I hope there will NEVER be be money in this game. If money ever does come into play the "Gold Farmers" will not be far behind.
    I hate Gold Farmers as much as you, but the introduction of money is both an exciting prospect for me as well as vital to the development of any civilization. In my opinion, game or reality, an economy can only develop so far by using strictly a goods for goods bartering system. Not to mention the idea of hitting master crafter and helping the devs develop money is great. Get my avatars face on some billz.

  4. #4

    Re:Trade with tribes beyond the impenetrable mist.

    Does this mean that we may be able to trade with unknown NPC tribes that are not in-game?
    Yup. It means this.

    The idea is to have trade totems representing tribes beyond the mist as a means of introducing new things into the game.

  5. #5

    Re:Trade with tribes beyond the impenetrable mist.

    Thanks for the reply, I remember you telling us this a long time ago, Well a few months ago at lest.

    Sounds good to me, Carry on my good man

  6. #6
    Xsyon Citizen Kitsume's Avatar
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    San Francisco Bay Area

    Re:Trade with tribes beyond the impenetrable mist.

    There are other economies besides currency based, but for practical purposes, currency is the easiest system.

    Barter is ok, but has limitations. What if I don't need what you are offering?

    Gift based works only if everyone pulls their fair share.

    There are others as well, but eventually some sort of currency would emerge, be it logs, leaves, bottle caps, metal medallions or paper. The real trick is to not have currency easily added into the economic system, as it is in most MMOs with drops from mobs.

    Personally I think it would be great if tribes could designate their own currencies, then we could have currency exchange rates between different tribes. Tribes who produce quality goods would have better exchange rates than tribes which produce little. Eventually a dominant currency will take over a region, based on tribe and/or alliance influence.

  7. #7

    Re:Trade with tribes beyond the impenetrable mist.

    Xsyon wrote:
    1) Buildings have different access levels. You can share access with friends.

    Storage containers can be kept in buildings.

    2) Lore isn't very developed for the Prelude, but we have some interesting plans for this...

    3) Currency is lootable. We will have banks in the near future.

    4) Melee. Evolving to archery, soon. Evolving to magic in the future.

    5) Skills go to a master level of 100. Beyond that, you can keep building your skill but it becomes very difficult.
    Seems we will have currency.

  8. #8

    Re:Trade with tribes beyond the impenetrable mist.

    Currency is not required for succesful trading. Check out the game " a tale in the desert" to see how. a large amount of different resources are available all stocked by a clan called "the goods". They use a virtual currency that does not really exist in game to value items according to stock level (demand) anyone can take any item - have it converted into its virtual value - aand "buy" something else of equal value.

    For example in atitd 100 charcoal may be the same value as 1 ruby or 15 glass bottles if there was 10000 charcoal in stock. but if someone comes and buys half the charcoal it would then require 200 charcoal to buy 1 ruby or 15 glass bottles. this is of course a dynamic system that changes with supply and demand.

    A dedicated tribe would be required to run the "warehouse" but in atitd no money ever changes hands but u can trade anything for anything pretty much

  9. #9
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Valdosta, Georgia

    Re:Trade with tribes beyond the impenetrable mist.

    Kitsume wrote:
    Personally I think it would be great if tribes could designate their own currencies, then we could have currency exchange rates between different tribes. Tribes who produce quality goods would have better exchange rates than tribes which produce little. Eventually a dominant currency will take over a region, based on tribe and/or alliance influence.
    I generally agree with your ideas and thoughts or atleast the spirit of the ideas. This time I will have to say NOOOOO!(Sorry LOL) I do think your idea would have merit if EVERYONE played as part of a tribe. But, there are many of us that do not plan on joining a tribe and if your idea came into fruition here is what would happen:

    Player A: (logs into Tribal vent) Hey guys guess what I traded for last night?

    Player B: (Player A's Tribe mate) What???

    Player A: 1732 of the Flying Elfeses (Fictional Tribe Name) coins they have GREAT value we can live for 3 months off of that.

    Player B: A month ago that would have been OK but, the 3 Flying Elfeses (Fictional Tribe Name) that did all the crafting left to go play The Sim's 6 (The please let me get to a bathroom version)
    and now they are not worth anything.

    Player A: ........................ $@%$@*$)* &^&%^)*)& ^(*&^& $#$#*&^ ...........................


    I was just killed and this is what they got:

    3 Hopi Scorpion coins
    6 Shinra Dolphin coins
    2 BAC Skull coins
    7 Templar Fang coins
    4 Shrimps

    Now as a Solo player that has done you no harm why would you want to put me through that? :lol:

  10. #10
    Xsyon Citizen Kitsume's Avatar
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    Mar 2010
    San Francisco Bay Area

    Re:Trade with tribes beyond the impenetrable mist.


    True, but Medieval Europe had hundreds of different currencies. In the USA, until there was a standard currency around the 1860s, each state had it's own. Until the 1930s, Banks could issue their own 'bank notes'.

    But from all indications, we will have dollars, hopefully there will be some mechanism to prevent a player from continuously rerolling to build up a cache of cash. Maybe your starting money is limited by account?

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