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  1. #1

    resources on your back/pvp

    If I kill someone that has resources on their back those resources should fall off their back to the ground with the default permissions of PUBLIC.

  2. #2

    Re:resources on your back/pvp

    this not going to be a open pvp/loot game. Soory Jordi has all ready said that he is not going to let this game become a 100% pvp like df is. I think if you evil you can take a low % of what they have, but not all.

  3. #3

    Re:resources on your back/pvp

    Ah, yes thanks for that info lllmaculate.

  4. #4

    Re:resources on your back/pvp

    Good catch Illmaculate, I had forgot that.

  5. #5

    Re:resources on your back/pvp

    Is pvp/looting working and is it looking good? Havent got the latest installer due a renewed love of Darkfall eating up my days but still interested in how things are progressing.

  6. #6

    Re:resources on your back/pvp

    Primavera wrote:
    Is pvp/looting working and is it looking good? Havent got the latest installer due a renewed love of Darkfall eating up my days but still interested in how things are progressing.
    As far as I know this next patch will improve some PVP aspects. Not sure about the looting yet though.

  7. #7

    Re:resources on your back/pvp

    Looting will be in this update, so we'll see what you all think about it soon.

  8. #8
    Xsyon Citizen joexxxz's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re:resources on your back/pvp

    Can a person who was not involved in a combat, and not a friend of dead character, still loot?
    Let say character A and B are in a combat. and character B dies.
    Can a character C loot character B, and character C is not a friend of character B.

  9. #9

    Re:resources on your back/pvp

    what i suspect as far as looting in pvp is a lot like eve online looting, when u kill someone u can loot their shit but not all of it. i really hope to be honest that they take a page from eve online pvp system, it would work perfect, tribes declare war on other tribes, looting and greifing can be done but with consequences and such. kill rights and flaging for pvp and security status like if u got a bad standing with a tribe and u are in their lands it flags you as kill able with no consequences

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