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Thread: New Terrain

  1. #1
    Xsyon Citizen Kitsume's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    San Francisco Bay Area

    New Terrain

    I was in game this evening, looking around at the changes. The new terrain features look better than the old ones. Especially with the roads disappearing on steep slopes. I think I noticed that run speed is a little slower than it was before, both on and off roads.

    Went out to the big island, that is a large mountain on it. I didn't see any trees or junk yards, though there was a nice harbor/lagoon. If it doesn't change, it won't be a sustainable location for tribes in prelude, at least until boats are added.

    Another thing I noticed with terrain is that everything seems a little taller, slopes steeper. Some places it is more apparent than others, basically the higher the terrain the more dramatic the elevation change.

    Edit - The waterfalls are nicer too, smooth across the tops.

  2. #2

    Re:New Terrain

    Yeah, I'm definitely liking the scaled heights. That combined with the planned change to make it harder (impossible?) to walk up steep slopes goes a long way towards making the map feel much more rugged and increases the sense of isolation. At times it looks a little extreme (and improbable) but that is definitely preferred over the gentle slopes from before.

    So far I haven't found any teams or texture mismatches. I did notice a couple of oddities:

    - River/waterfall shaders appear to be flowing backwards. At least the ones I noted on the west side of the lake. It's possible it's always been like this and I never even noticed.

    - At one point I was raising a string of tiles to get the dirt out of my inventory and at one point I created an odd seam in the texture:

    It aligns with the border between two named areas. I tried to recreate this somewhere else and it didn't happen.

  3. #3

    Re:New Terrain

    once in game, i was 1st time login spawn killed by Muledeers.

    I ran to a pre-defined location and on the way, I noticed the graphics around the waters were more fine tuned and smooth. very nice. I noticed the elevations of the mountains had increased! very nice too. Exploring the island now.

  4. #4
    Xsyon Citizen Kitsume's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    San Francisco Bay Area

    Re:New Terrain

    I'm not completely sure, but the fog seems to start to turn a little closer in than it did before.

  5. #5

    Re:New Terrain

    carefull with that fog..once went in and took me 'bout two hours to find my way out...almost had to reroll my toon..

  6. #6

    Re:New Terrain

    Risk wrote:
    carefull with that fog..once went in and took me 'bout two hours to find my way out...almost had to reroll my toon..
    Try and stay upwind of Badascan next time.

  7. #7

    Re:New Terrain

    Hurk wrote:
    Risk wrote:
    carefull with that fog..once went in and took me 'bout two hours to find my way out...almost had to reroll my toon..
    Try and stay upwind of Badascan next time.

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