So I was thinking today as my kids and I were planting Moonflower seeds. Wouldn't it be cool if within Xsyon you could plant different Seeds and such for growing for whatever you may need.


You could plant different seeds for different crops, and depending on time of the year and time it's self will determine how something grows, the yield of the growth (Harvest), and If it even grows at all. Put it into a time based environment so maybe a plant, for example, Vervain or St.Johns. Those could be grown to benefit Medicine. (In real life Vervain and St.Johns is considered a Sedative in Herbal Medicine.) So Chemists or Herbalists can take the planet and Grind it up until its a powder that can be made into a pill or tea.

You could even grow cotton to make bandages or clothing.


You could grow these seeds in crops to help with yield and sell to others.

Nonetheless it was just my idea.