Hey guys..
Great work on the update... a few early issues to make you aware of..
[li]Large borders: can walk right through them.[/li]
[li]You can terraform under bolders and leave them in mid air - looks cool but I don't think they should float [/li]
[li]Water flows up waterfalls in the South still (I know this was raised before)[/li]
[li]Tribe border: It appears that the border does not expand with new member signup[/li]
[li]We also discovered a 'cheat' so will not post here[/li]
[li]Any tribe member can invite anyone they like into the tribe[/li]
[li]Tribe permissions are not working work[/li]
[li]Non members can still drop items in tribe zone which cannot be removed[/li]
[li] Creatures can't kill you in the tribe zone[/li]
[li] Tribe member names appear duplicated where a toon is deleted[/li]
[li]You can run up verticle sides - more so than before[/li]