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  1. #1

    Basketry skill not advancing in game....


    Issue-Crafting items/materials in game does not display skill advancement or earn new patterns.

    Working on Basketry skill appears in game to not raise skill level as shown by the client but if you log out and back in the skill shows as rasied (Server/client not updating?). However even if you log out and back in and your skill has raised 30 or more points, you gain no new schematics other than what you already had when your character was created.

  2. #2

    Re:Basketry skill not advancing in game....

    i have the same issue with woodcutting, no system message when you lvl it, also need to relog or wait to see changes.

  3. #3

    Re:Basketry skill not advancing in game....

    Thanks for the alert on this. I will check on this today. I'm sure it's a quick fix.

  4. #4

    Re:Basketry skill not advancing in game....

    i have same issue with hiding and fishing...but get the skill points after a relog.

    i do not get skill increase messages nor do skill points increase until each relog.

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