How are the combat mechanics for this game? I heard that it was transitioned to being shooter style combat. Is the hit dedication and behind the scenes calculations synced up like they would be for, say, Borderlands, Fallout 3, Red Dead Redemption, and so on? Where melee range is realistic and if you move out of range the attack misses?

For instance, I tried playing Fallen Earth, but the chickens were hitting me with their melee attacks when I was many feet away from them. Same thing with Final Fantasy XIV; even if I move out of range I still get smacked because the calculations were all done before the animations went off.

Oh, I also want to ask about the physics. I know physics require more calculations, which requires more system resources and latency is always an issue with real-time positional combat in an online game, but are the physics of movement realistic? I'll use another game as an example again. In Darkfall it's difficult, though not impossible, to predict player and mob movement because there is no inertia/momentum (forgive me guys, I'm a Chemistry/Biology teacher so I know I'm misusing the physics terms). So I was wondering if this game has more realistic, and intuitive, combat than, say any MMO that I can think of.