What the title said including people. Relogging does not fix the problem.
What the title said including people. Relogging does not fix the problem.
are you still connected to the server?
This sounds very odd.
I'm not connected anymore. Figured it was just a waste of time.
I'm also crashing 77.8% of the time I try and load my character selection screen.
Edit: I think it may be due to the teamspeak 3 overlay I am using being incompatible with Xsyon. Testing this now.
i meant had you disconnected and that's why you could see anything.
hmmm and this only just started to happen? Everything was running fine before?
It was not due to my overlay. I give up.
If a reinstall does not work, then I don't know what the fuck is going on. Maybe my character is bugged. I might reroll before I reinstall.
Don't reinstall. Please delete the files from your Xsyon/Save directory to see if this fixes your crash problem.
Your message came too late :P, I reinstalled.
Well, I'm not finished yet, but if this happens again I will certainly do what you've suggested.
When I have shadows enabled I can see peoples shadows, but that is all. Also, when people are hiding I can see them.
I reinstalled the game completely and it did not fix my issue.
Gamefreak do you still have this problem?
This was resolved. I will make a post about this and similar issues later today.