I'll tell the whole tale, as I think it is the patching that went wrong.
When I tried to update the game (ie. the patch the 19 of oct.) today, wednesday, my patcher froze at processing packs. The first time it did it I closed it after 5min of a white window. The two following tries I was thrown back to the verification before patching with the note that Connection had been lost. The fourth time I tried I got through to downloading the files.
At 100,95mb the patcher froze again. I hoped that it would restart and left it to think. It finished after a few minutes and loaded the game.
The Crash:
Now when I try to login I get this crash message
I'm quite sure it has something to do with the patching (it seem to be the exe file that is something wrong with).. Taken the whole messy affair into consideration with patching..
I'll copy past the explanation as well as the result of the reinstall.
I can however already add that there seem to be inconsistencies on your server as my updating the game froze at 1,25gb/2,81gb. (Might be the same disconnection issues from earlier?)
Well, with the reinstall freezing during downloading will at least show if it indeed could be a corruption of data.
I can be persuaded (I think to reinstall a third time) and we can hope for no lock-ups and see if that fixed it.