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  1. #1
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Russia, Moscow

    Having troubles on moving to another zone

    Unable To Load Ground Levels For Zone: 938Sector: 1 Move Sectors

    Hello. This is the error message I get when I step through the zone border. I have already tried to reinstall the game client - It didn't help.
    However when I restart the client back it seems that zones are fine.
    I have already got this message once before but reported after the second one.

    Unable To Load Ground Levels For Zone: 895Sector: 0 Move Sectors

    One more.

  2. #2

    Re:Having troubles on moving to another zone

    Usually that error means that the zones didn’t load correctly on a zone change.

    How often are you getting this?

    Something I have noticed, other bandwidth intensive programs such as bittorrent can increase the chances of having problems loading zones. Are you running anything else that uses you network connection?

  3. #3

    Re:Having troubles on moving to another zone

    I am getting the same error message everytime I log on. Not at once but when I move around a bit. I would be in zone 821 and the last one came up for 862 ground level. I have gotten it only since patch yesterday. But i crash out clicking ok. But I ingore it I can continue playing. But I did run into an invisible wall on 821. Not sure if its linked or not

  4. #4

    Re:Having troubles on moving to another zone

    Wall and error are linked. When you ignore the error you continue but with zones that didn’t load properly. Then the invisible wall keeps you from going in to the zone/s that didn’t load.

    What’s your ping?
    Are you running any other software that uses the internet a good bit?

  5. #5

    Re:Having troubles on moving to another zone

    Ping is anywhere from 30 to 80. And today i am not running anything other then this game. And still got same errors.

    Just did it to me again. It seems like when I sprint for a long period of time is when it comes up. I will have to keep trying this out and see if it happens that way.

  6. #6

    Re:Having troubles on moving to another zone

    i cant see this being a ping issue , i dont see ping cause this error , i could be wrong but i just dont see how that would work.

    anyways i am getting this error alot , the more i move around and the more i travel, the more this error pops up, sometimes it is so bad i cant play (and it will not let me ignore it ) . I have went as far as reinstalling the game with no results . This has been a popular topic in game and forums ,

  7. #7
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Russia, Moscow

    Re:Having troubles on moving to another zone

    Yes, I am having bittorrent running. Ping 170.

    And it was very often during the last game session.

    I will try to switch bittorrent off and check if I am still having any troubles.

  8. #8
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Russia, Moscow

    Re:Having troubles on moving to another zone

    Nope, I have turned out every program that uses Internet connection except skype and still got 3 error messages in a row about failed zone load. Just like I described before.

  9. #9

    Re:Having troubles on moving to another zone

    We're working on it...

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