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  1. #1

    We've talked about trade routes... what if

    What if, much like building roads, or trails from tribal area to tribal area. How cool would it be to build a rail system, you would not have to have steam engines you could have carts that are man powered to move goods from one area to another, you could even build a rail to the forest to move logs, or an area where there was a mine of ore. Once animals become tame, you could get a horse or cow to pull the cart along the rail.

  2. #2

    Re: We've talked about trade routes... what if

    This would be a great idea for a year or two down the track, no pun intended

    I would like to see normal donkey and horse drawn carts in before putting them on rails.

  3. #3

    Re: We've talked about trade routes... what if

    Kinslayer wrote:
    This would be a great idea for a year or two down the track, no pun intended

    I would like to see normal donkey and horse drawn carts in before putting them on rails.
    agreed, just an idea. Thought it would be cool, perhaps even be able to tunnel through some mountains to lay a track, for a trade / transportation route or a mining camp, if the engine would allow for that in the future.

  4. #4
    Xsyon Citizen Venciera's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Bay Area, California

    Re:We've talked about trade routes... what if

    As the world expands in size I can see this becoming more practical. Not sure if Xsyon will have mounts, but I'd love to see horse drawn wagons I suppose it will, but sometimes i feel like the current world space is too small and tribes will be shoulder to shoulder. Perhaps the distance is just right though.

  5. #5
    Xsyon Citizen
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    London, United Kingdom

    Re:We've talked about trade routes... what if

    Talking about carts and such, and where this game is generally locate, i would think Oxen would be the choice animal for hauling.

  6. #6
    Xsyon Citizen joexxxz's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re:We've talked about trade routes... what if

    Wow we could also terraform mountains for rails... nice.
    To make a steam engine, will need alot of work. lol
    Lots of engineers...

  7. #7

    Re:We've talked about trade routes... what if

    sweet i'd love this rail park anyone hehe rollercoaster

  8. #8

    Re:We've talked about trade routes... what if

    why do you guys want to do trade routes so much? you'll lose alot of stuff it won't be worth your time

  9. #9

    Re:We've talked about trade routes... what if

    If your tribe discovers a Copper deposit, and another discovers a Tin deposit, and you need Tin and Copper to make Bronze, and Bronze being stronger then both Tin or Copper alone, wouldn't you want to set up a trade so that you could trade some Copper for Tin and vis-versa in order to make some Bronze goods? This is of course just an example but you get my meaning.

  10. #10

    Re:We've talked about trade routes... what if

    tredo wrote:
    If your tribe discovers an Iron Ore deposit, and another discovers a Tin deposit, and you need Tin and Iron to make Bronze, and Bronze being stronger then both Tin or Iron, wouldn't you want to set up a trade so that you could trade some Iron for Tin and vis-versa in order to make some Bronze goods? This is of course just an example but you get my meaning.
    I guess but you would have to be really sneaky, if you use a path it would be easy to find you plus with so many members in your tribe I could setup deals with people to tell me where you guys are and you'll never know who told me but gl with the trade routes

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