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  1. #1
    Xsyon Citizen Gamefreak's Avatar
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    Re:We've talked about trade routes... what if

    I agree with this trade route idea.

  2. #2

    Re:We've talked about trade routes... what if

    what about this resource totems... a second or third totem covers a very small area witch allows you to secure 1-2 resource fields, say there are 10-12 different kinds resource fields...farming fields, copper mine, gold mine, silver mine, tin mine, iron mine ect.

    this would help make a trade system and routes possible getting the raw resource back to the village and sending some to other villages to help out or trade with.

  3. #3

    Re:We've talked about trade routes... what if

    I like the idea of resource totems, but they need to be attackable and/or sieged.

  4. #4

    Re:We've talked about trade routes... what if

    Kinslayer wrote:
    I like the idea of resource totems, but they need to be attackable and/or sieged.
    sieging is over done now. I think the devs could come up with a fresh idea for this type of mechanic.

  5. #5

    Re:We've talked about trade routes... what if

    Make the resource a limited supply... so the copper mine goes dry. You then have to find another one, so no one tribe would corner the market so to speak. You could raid the copper mine, take right from the mine, and that would in turn take away the X number of copper nuggets the mine was suppose to provide. So tribe A, find the mine, begins mining it, gets 127 copper bits, scouts from tribe B come in, take 52 bits, and the mine goes dry. The mine had a random number of copper bits, this time it was only 179. So you would want to protect your mine in order to get the most of it. Others will want to find the mine in order to get in on the ore.

  6. #6

    Re:We've talked about trade routes... what if

    tredo wrote:
    Make the resource a limited supply... so the copper mine goes dry. You then have to find another one, so no one tribe would corner the market so to speak. You could raid the copper mine, take right from the mine, and that would in turn take away the X number of copper nuggets the mine was suppose to provide. So tribe A, find the mine, begins mining it, gets 127 copper bits, scouts from tribe B come in, take 52 bits, and the mine goes dry. The mine had a random number of copper bits, this time it was only 179. So you would want to protect your mine in order to get the most of it. Others will want to find the mine in order to get in on the ore.
    I like this.

  7. #7

    Re:We've talked about trade routes... what if

    I would sooner have it a little different, after thinking on it some...

    Prospecting skill allows a person to find ore deposits in the ground. It could be done in a way that you sort of track the ore. You may find small deposits, but not enough worth mining, so you continue to track the ore vein until you find the main deposit.

    Once you find the main deposit, the Engineers move in and they have to actually build the mine, or mine shaft of some description. This would fall under Construction, and once built, you would see a physical mine there, which gives tribe access automatically.

    Once the mine is built, and the tribe has access, the miners then come in, with the mining skill to extract the ore from the ground. Down the track as technology advances, we may see machinery to extract the ores, particularly for larger deposits.

    Following that its all pretty obvious, you then need smelters to turn it into metal, etc.

    But if other tribes spot your mine, or find the deposit around the same time, they can build a mine there too. So allow multiple mines to be built on the one ore deposit.

    Of course we would like to see the ore deposits shifting (dynamic).

  8. #8
    Xsyon Citizen Venciera's Avatar
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    Bay Area, California

    Re:We've talked about trade routes... what if

    tredo wrote:
    Make the resource a limited supply... so the copper mine goes dry. You then have to find another one, so no one tribe would corner the market so to speak. You could raid the copper mine, take right from the mine, and that would in turn take away the X number of copper nuggets the mine was suppose to provide. So tribe A, find the mine, begins mining it, gets 127 copper bits, scouts from tribe B come in, take 52 bits, and the mine goes dry. The mine had a random number of copper bits, this time it was only 179. So you would want to protect your mine in order to get the most of it. Others will want to find the mine in order to get in on the ore.
    I would like this as well. Overall I'd like to see resources both more regional, and limited. This would help foster trade between tribes, and keep their villages in constant flux as they struggle to survive. In this way every resource collected will be valuable.

    Prospecting skill allows a person to find ore deposits in the ground. It could be done in a way that you sort of track the ore. You may find small deposits, but not enough worth mining, so you continue to track the ore vein until you find the main deposit.
    I love this idea because it creates a nice little mini-game without producing a lot of resources. Also it might be macro/bot proof (i could be wrong there).

  9. #9

    Re:We've talked about trade routes... what if

    well has this down to a T surveying land is so cool, xsyon would benefit a lot from a system like this, say you head out to survey some land you find ore you mark down the pos get your tribe ready to setup quickly once you all get back to the pos earlier, setup the mine (should last about 1-2 weeks to make it work fortifying)start terraforming the fort for defense and your done BUT! wait what about solo players there can be small deposits that can be mini-mined i.e pickaxe.

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