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Thread: play darkfall!!

  1. #1

  2. #2

    Re: play darkfall!!

    Been there, done that, it sucked!

  3. #3
    Xsyon Citizen Saorlan's Avatar
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    Animal Crackers

    Re: play darkfall!!

    I think that the vast majority of people will have already tried out Darkfall before coming here.

    But if they haven't then yes they should do first and also Mortal Online.

  4. #4

    Re: play darkfall!!

    and them come back and praise the amazing game called Xsyon

  5. #5

    Re: play darkfall!!

    Virtus wrote:
    and them come back and praise the amazing game called Xsyon

    I've been playing darkfall since aug 09 and darkfall can be fun at times (after you've put in at least a 6 month grind at 3-4 hours a day), however the game lacks depth, seiges are messed up in there design, portals are screwing up the game, crafting has no meaning, there is absoltely no economy other than buying enchanting mats.

    If you like that sort of thing, and you don't care that darkfall's grind is worse than f2p korean games, then by all means- go play darkfall.

  6. #6

    Re: play darkfall!!

    Darkfall's group pvp can be insanely fun, but theres just not enough sand in its undies at present.

  7. #7

    Re: play darkfall!!

    I would say the same for Mortal Online, theres no sand in sight in that so called "sandbox" that is nothing resembling a sandbox. Theres no depth, no features, its a PvP game, which is fine if you love PvP and nothing to go with it.

    I certainly would not recommend anyone to waste their money on MO in its current state.

  8. #8
    Xsyon Citizen Venciera's Avatar
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    Re: play darkfall!!

    Kinslayer wrote:
    I would say the same for Mortal Online, theres no sand in sight in that so called "sandbox" that is nothing resembling a sandbox. Theres no depth, no features, its a PvP game, which is fine if you love PvP and nothing to go with it.

    I certainly would not recommend anyone to waste their money on MO in its current state.
    All players should be able to build a home in a true sandbox. It shouldn't be as hard as it is in MO. I'm really hoping the new architecture/construction system allows for all players to construct a 'home' or settlement where ever they choose. I think StarVault wasted too much time on fancy NPC cities and easily could have allowed players to build small, cheap homes. No, instead, you get these mansions that liter the landscape and cost a bazillion resources/coinage to build. :angry:

    I can't really comment on Darkfall since I only played the trial. It seemed okay i suppose, but again, i hate not being able to build stuff in the world.

  9. #9
    Xsyon Citizen Saorlan's Avatar
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    Re: play darkfall!!

    Yes but guys both Darkfall and Mortal Online although not having much sand in there boxes are still miles ahead of the shitty EQ clones like WOW we have been playing for years.

    So although they need a lot of work they are both (Mortal Online) in particular very very interesting games that point to the future.

  10. #10

    Re: play darkfall!!


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