ABT presents the First SPORTSGAME in XSYON!
ok first my Concept art!..look at picture

Now the statement of the game:
1. we create a playercity with name "WORLD SPORTS CITY"
2.then we terraform a stadion..a playfield with and a audience area
3.thennow the rules.
a.)6 player in one team..and 2 teams in a match
b.)playtime of one match is 2x 45 minutes--> after 45 minutes the team switched the sides
c.)the teams starts on the ends of the playfields at her places(terraforming-hills small)
d.)the game have one man who controls the game mechanic-->we name it "cannonball-master"
e.)In the middle of the playfield is a "HEAVY LOADED BASKET"-->all Player can PICKUP this basket.(any player who pickedup this heavy basket is slowly walking)
f.) now the "cannonball-Master" opened the first 45 minutes
g.) all teams/players now run as fast as they can to the middlepoint with the HEAVY BASKET!
h.) any player/team have now picked up this BASKET and he is walking with this BASKET to the opposing "100POINT PLACE".For each field he reached the team gets "10 POINTS"-->THE GOAL IS OF COURSE the "100 POINTS PLACE"!..
i.) the team who have not picked up this basket now has the following options to stop this player with the basket:
-5 Player block this player with the HEAVY BASKET(collision)--->he can not get to the next field "with 10 POINTS" and the 6 player must now run around a half round over the complete playfield-->this begins at the "100Points ENEMY PLACE" and ends at the "100 Points OWN TEAM PLACE"-->if he reached the own "100 POINTS OWN TEAM PLACE" the "CANNONBALL-MASTER" stopped the game and the player with the HEAVY BASKET" now must drop this basket exactly on his place to the ground!

j.)NOW THE TEAMS HAVE TO DISTRIBUTE TO THE FIELD AT THE EDGES ARE SHARP TO THE BASKET(LOOK SECOND PICTURE) and the "CANNONBALL-MASTER" starts again with a command(SPECIFIC EMOTE) the game--->then it beginns with g.) of this rules again!

k.) if one player is killed from the enemy team-->the complete team must run one complete round over the plyfield and the other team can score points!---> a tough pinishment
l.) after 45 minutes the team switched to the other side...and the HEAVY BASKET is in the middle of the playfield---> then the second 45 minutes are starting!

POINTS for winning the GAME:---> 3 STARS
POINTS for the same score : --->1 STAR

Example TEAM "A Better Tomoorow" against "Shinra"--> ABT lost with 1120 Points ABT and 1570 POINTS SHINRA--->

1. SHINRA 1570 1120 3
2. ABT 1120 1570 0