
Welcome to the forum, its good that you have taken the time to ensure this is a game you may like, and great that you have posted your concerns.

Most of the forum registrations that I can tell (ie accounts that have posted) appear on the face of it to be not a duplicate account. Most bot accounts I believe in some way spam information, be it via posting spam to the forums or spam to private messages. Neither of these things have happened that I am aware of.

The lack of information is by design, the little information out there means that it's going to be players that enjoy such games and that have experience in these types of games in the past. Typically players with experience have learned about games by either accident or have found it because of a friend that likes such games (ie word of mouth). This will likely change after prelude is well and truly over.

Helith, is actually correct, most people that come here post in Prelude, however most people who register (in my view) are doing so to be like you - find out more information about the game before taking that risk.

The same line with having no media is the same line with videos. No videos are to be made (that are official) so everything you see is what players have created, as such I haven't kept up to date with new videos from players.

From the Official FAQ List: Q? I'm curious as to an ETA for Bows/guns and magic?

...Magic will take a while...