REV.... isn't that the guy that cried about the no guns or misleading concept art or something like that? No worries about this being mistaken for a threat... seems they are fairly empty coming from you...
I know that was a little dirty but I could not resist. :P On a different note, I fully agree with him on this one. There should not be different death penalties for players based on alignment.
If any they should be set to gankers or campers.
Maybe set all players to respawn at their current location if the death is PvE in nature and to the Totem if they are killed in PvP or while flagged as such. If a player is not in a Tribe they should be respawned at the nearest regional starting point(such as Round Hill).
This also has me thinking about lootable bodies.... any word on gear loss for PvP death or even PvE? I think it is a little odd to retain all your gear when you die if you respawn back at the totem. I could understand the current location respawn keeping gear. :huh: Maybe it could be set to where if you die in PvP you loose your equipment on a lootable body but if you die in PvE you do not leave behind a body or gear.