Ok, since I have been in Beta testing I have seen the following things that need Tweaking or that I have Suggestions for. This list is my opinion on things and please take it as that only.
I will Update this list as I come across more things in the game that I see or hear from others that may need Tweaking or just some really good suggestions that may be told to me but not actually posted.
I also know some of these things may have already been posted about or talked about among some of the Devs or Guides and I apologize for anything that may have been posted and I haven't seen. :P
1. Encombrance - Needs to be looked over in such a way as adding Carts/Wheelbarrows/Horses/Mules to increase the carrying capacity of the Player. Having Large Baskets or Packs with many slots but not being able to fill them makes the Packs also pretty pointless when you can only carry a few Items at one time.
2. More Tool tips and Detail - Inventory (Character Sheet) Items slots do not have tool tips to say what goes where. Also most of the Items have no description on what they are for. (Perhaps putting what Crafting Profession they are for).
3. Experience Bar - Perhaps putting some sort of Percent% or X / Y numbers. Sometimes it's nice to know exactly how much more you need or to determine what gives the most Exp for your character by testing your actions and looking at the numbers to compare them.
4. Bags / Windows - Being able to Open/Close Bags and Windows while performing actions like Fishing.
5. Trees - Perhaps possibly a Tool Tip on mouse over on what type of tree it is. I know it really doesn't matter at this point what type of tree it is besides how many logs they give when chopped, but perhaps there could be something like using a certain tree will have different properties on the Item made such as color or strength of a structure.
6. Character Name Tags - As of now they are Black in color and very very difficult to read. I have thought about the reasoning behind this and the only reason is PvP purposes. (Not being able to see the enemy coming or being able to sneak away from or around the enemy. But other than that I see no point to it. Half the time if it's not daylight out and they are not standing on a junk pile or branches I can't see who I'm talking to unless I click on them. Name Tags should be Green in color or Red if the other person is a Foe or your Tribe is at War with them.
7. Tribe Tags - This is a must..Yesterday I was Killed by another Tribe member because He had no Idea who I was or if I was in his Tribe. As of now there is no identification of who or what other players are to you.. Yes you can check your Tribe list to see if that person is in your tribe but think about it - You have to look at your tribe list - Try to actually see their black name to see who it is - if it's a new tribe member you have no Idea weather or not they are in your tribe or not. This could be fixed with Colored Name tags and Tribe Tags.
8. a.Log In Screen - When you log into the game you have to 1. Log in 2 times and 2. when you log in you see a blank character screen with just some stale background. When logged in you should be presented with your Character already selected and ready to log in, shouldn't have to select my one character that we all only have ONE of. So there is no point at all to even have the Characters name to be selected there. Just the Enter World/Delete/Create/Quit buttons.
9. Item Stacking/Separation - As it is now you are UNABLE to separate stacks of items. This can be very frustrating with items such as Flint. I have 2 flint but a Tribe member would like one but I can't give him just one, He has to be given the entire stack. Also with Items that are in storage, You have to take the entire stack out instead of just what you need. There should be a Shift+Right Click to bring up a window to separate item stacks.
10. Items of the same Kind Auto Stacking - When I have items in my Pack and I'm transferring then to a basket they do not auto stack with the corresponding item I must manually search for the correct stack and place the item on it. With the amount of Items and different names and icons that are so similar this makes it very difficult to do. I should be able to Right click an Item when I have my Pack open and a Container or basket and transfer the item to the correct stack and if that stack is full it should go directly into the basket into another open slot.
11. Crafting and Item Selection - Having to reselect the same tool over and over becomes very frustrating when crafting the same item multiple times. The tool should stay selected until the item being crafted is changed to a new item. The material selection should stay as is.
12. Crafting sounds / Game Sounds - There should be more of a variety of crafting sounds other than the standard (Pouring of Water??) that's what it sounds like to me. Like if I'm crafting with a saw shouldn't it make the sound of a saw cutting wood? Or if I'm making a campfire some Rocks clanking together? Or lighting a fire some Flint being struck? Not pouring water.. Some of the sounds are great like drinking and fishing and chopping a tree things like that. Also the (Drum??) sound when clicking a button is kind of annoying. It sounds more like an Error sound like I have done something wrong. There really is no need to make a Drum sound when you press a button unless it is a subtle clicking sound.
13. Rest/Recover Button - There should be a Rest/Recover Button for Energy that makes your Energy recover 2x faster. You run out of energy you become tired then after the tired animation you can press the Rest & Recover button and your character sits down and Recovers Energy 2x faster. As it is now it takes like 4-5 minutes to recover from being tired. That is kinda long. At this point I think the recovery of Energy is way too slow.
14. The movement of Sun/Moon - This is a very small thing but I figured I would mention it. The Sun/Moon almost stutters when moving kinda like a clock ticking, it's not smooth in it's movement. You can actually see it moving. That to me seems like a time issue, perhaps the day/night cycle is to short. Perhaps a 3hr day / 2 hour night cycle.
15. Fishing - This needs more visual queue that you have caught a fish or cast the line. Yes there is an animation but it looks like I'm just swinging a stick with no fishing line on it. There should be something like a line with bobber on it being cast into the lake/river/water. Not a bobber that you can click just something more visual to make fishing a little more exciting. And when a fish is caught perhaps you lift the Rod and there is a small fish hanging from the line and you put it in a pale. Things like this make fishing more enjoyable and not so tedious.
16. Campfires - Campfires should not burn forever. They should burn out after a set amount of time. I have seen them used as Torches at Tribe locations and it seems funny. There should be some other sort of light source that can be more appropriate for lasting longer and using them in this fashion. Perhaps Torches. And even Torches that can be carried by the player for a light source while traveling at night.
17. Weather Effects - Right now the weather effects are great but they only last about 1-2 minutes each time they come around. Just seems more like a small spring shower than a heavy rain or storm, or a small snow cloud that just passes over in a minute or 2. Things such as this make the immersion of the game more intense.
18. Chopping Trees - At times when a Tree is chopped down the Tree falls into the terrain and only a small piece is showing to chop it up, but then you chop it up and the logs stack on each other possibly causing game crashes and other issues. There possibly could be some collision put in with the falling trees and the terrain. Not sure about it but it was a bug and happened to me.
19. Resetting Stat Points - Perhaps the ability to Reset a characters stat points to be able to change your characters path in life with restrictions such as only 3-5 resets per character.
That's all I have for now, I know it's a WALL 'O' Text but those are some of the Tweaks & Suggestions that I have come up with so far. I hope none of them seemed harsh or not productive for the games future but these are some of my opinions on how to improve the game as it stands at this point in time.
I will add more as I come across more things in the game.
Thank you for reading my suggestions if you made it this far in the post. :woohoo: